Thursday, May 1, 2014

she is a specialist doctor for any patient

I need to tell you a lot of things about amma. Specially I am not a Indian or Hindu. but I am a son of her. sometimes you can think how it can be so. I will tell you step by step that what is the meaning of it  


she gives a new life for many people who were ill or  going to die because of varies is like a rebirth so she is a mother for that people.she has a supper spiritual power i have no words to describe what is that power.but if you can meet her you will be able to understand her spiritual strength.not only patient also anyone  can meet her.she loves all the people around the matter your religion no matter your nationality.

I was suffering  in a one disease throughout 18 that period  i met many doctors who were specialist for my disease but i couldn't  prevent i thought to follow about spiritual a result i could meet amma amritha who lives in India.amma blessed me and gave a new hope about my future .i do something daily as amma i feel well day by day than before.